如何使用 "autoimmune" 造句
- 1. Causes of aplastic anemia include infections , drugs and autoimmune diseases .
- 可能的病因包括感染、自身免疫病、某些药物等等。
- 2. Is this autoimmune better or worse than a new heart valve ?
- 这个叫自体免疫病的比起换心脏瓣膜是好还是坏?
- 3. Celiac disease is an often-undiagnosed autoimmune disease triggered by gluten in wheat-containing foods .
- 乳糜泻是一种多发的由含小麦的食物中麸质诱发的自身免疫系统疾病。
- 4. Do adjuvants added to flu vaccine increase risk of an autoimmune reaction ?
- 加入辅助剂的流感疫苗增加了自身免疫反应的风险吗?
- 5. Those cells can cause harmful inflammatory and autoimmune conditions such as ibd and asthma .
- 这些细胞可能会导致有害的炎症和自身免疫性疾病,例如ibd和哮喘。