How to Use "bean" with Example Sentences
- 1. My other favorite feature of jelly bean is speech recognition .
- 糖豆另一个我最喜欢的功能是语音识别。
- 2. The cocoa bean , actually a seed , grows in pods on trees .
- 可可豆(实际上就是可可子)生长在可可树的豆荚中。
- 3. Here are a few things we 'd like to see in jelly bean .
- 我们希望可以在果冻豆看到一些特别的东西。
- 4. Mars has also begun a project to sequence the cocoa bean genome , which it hopes to complete within five years .
- 玛氏还启动了一项为可可豆基因组排序的计划,希望可在5年内完成。
- 5. They 're labeled as bean counters , as if their contribution is little more than pointless busywork .
- 他们会被打上数豆人的标签,似乎他们能做的贡献比没意思的忙活多不到哪里去。