如何使用 "braids" 造句

1. As captain jack sparrow , johnny depp 's got himself a delightful set of braids and beads adorning his chin .
2. They were lined up in his workshop according to size , with the thinnest as thin as my pinky and the widest as thick as one of hattie 's braids .
3. Married women tend to be frowned upon if they are not sporting a shorter mop but those who are unmarried are allowed to be a bit more playful with their choice of style - opting for plaits , braids or even a ribbon .
4. The dye wove its fingers up my nostrils and down the back of my throat , but I refused to choke as matthew tangled his hands in hattie 's hair , pulling it from its braids so that it spilled around me where I sat behind them .
5. They like to loosen tight braids .