How to Use "bumpy" with Example Sentences
- 1. But the journey could be very bumpy .
- 但这一过程可能非常坎坷。
- 2. The transition to full-service investment-solutions provider could be bumpy .
- 转为全面服务投资方案提供商的道路将是崎岖不平的。
- 3. The plastic rug hides a bumpy driveway .
- 塑料地毯遮住了坑坑洼洼的车道。
- 4. I think the post-crisis path will be bumpy , mainly because bail-out programmes have not been implemented in the right sequence .
- 我认为,危机过后的道路将崎岖不平,这主要是因为纾困计划没有按照正确的步骤实施。
- 5. 2012 Is going to be bumpy .
- 2012将是崎岖坎坷的一年。