如何使用 "caduceus" 造句

1. They 're black and gold and sport the caduceus , the symbol of the medical profession .
2. Probably originating in mesopotamia , the caduceus found its way eastward to india and westward into the mediterranean .
3. He was usually portrayed wearing winged sandals and carrying a caduceus entwined by serpents . He could fly freely in the sky like thoughts .
4. The association of physicians with thievery through the adoption of hermes caduceus as a medical symbol is undoubtedly undesirable and only those cynics who accuse physicians of an excessive interest in making money may find it appropriate .
5. Unfortunately , there is one final significance of the caduceus that should appeal to no one and is horrifying when connected to the medical profession , for it was the duty of hermes , caduceus in hand , to lead the souls of the dead to the underworld .