如何使用 "calyx" 造句
- 1. Calyx and bractlets subtending pedicels white to gray woolly tomentose .
- 花萼和小苞片对着花梗白色的到灰色绵状绒毛。
- 2. In the photo , we can 't see the fruit itself , but rather the expanded globe-like sepals ( calyx ) that surround a five-part dry capsule .
- 在照片里,我们不能看到它们所结出的果实,只是可以看到围绕着五个蒴果伸展的球状萼片(花萼)。
- 3. Calyx teeth subequal , ovate to narrowly ovate .
- 萼齿近等长,卵形的到狭卵形。
- 4. Calyx and pedicel sparsely stellate pubescent .
- 花萼和花梗疏生星状毛短柔毛。
- 5. Corolla tube usually exserted from calyx .
- 通常的花冠筒从花萼外露。