如何使用 "chap" 造句

1. Poor chap ; clearly he needs to get away from the coalface a bit more .
2. I have never inquired into the causes of its demise but it seems to have been reasonably amicable , although she had not seen the chap for five years .
3. The poor chap was very embarrassed and explained he was in a rush in the morning to get his kids ready for school and didn 't have time for a shower .
4. Your daughter is either going to have to get her hooks into this chap unusually early , or she is going to have to keep him on the boil for another decade a lot of nail-painting .
5. It would not require great investigative skill to out the north korean leader as " a flabby old chap " , to use the words attributed to singapore 's former prime minister , lee kuan yew .