如何使用 "chronicler" 造句
- 1. 1760 B.c. a historical survey of oxen pricing is stamped onto a clay tablet by urglat the chronicler , chief scribe in hammurabi 's court .
- 公元前1760年一份牛定价的历史调查被urglat记录者,汉谟拉比法院的首席抄写员刻在一个粘土碑上。
- 2. The most gifted chronicler of america 's tormented and fascinating south .
- 使人痛苦而又迷人的南方的天才编年史者。
- 3. In touch apparently has become the official chronicler of american bedding .
- 《每周接触》似乎已成为美国床上用品的编年史。
- 4. The chronicler sets down every detail , believing all to be of ultimate significance .
- 编年史家把每件琐事都记了下来,相信最终都是珍贵史料。
- 5. Mr hiro is a prolific chronicler of india and the islamic world .
- 希罗写过多部印度和伊斯兰世界编年史。