如何使用 "chute" 造句
- 1. 1500 M. open the chute !
- 一千五百米打开降落伞!
- 2. Must not conflict with existing internal structures ( seat , chute compartments etc ) .
- 不能与现有内部结构冲突(如座椅、降落伞隔室等)。
- 3. Chute opens any lower than that and you 're dead .
- 如果降落伞打开得慢一点,你就死定了。
- 4. But against the vast expanse of the sky , the chute looked very small .
- 但和广阔无垠的太空相比,降落伞看起来是沧海一粟。
- 5. The entire jump should take a little more than 15 minutes , with five and a half minutes of free-fall and 10 minutes with his chute deployed .
- 整个跳伞持续15分钟之多,有5分半钟自由落体和10分钟的降落伞飞行。