如何使用 "coaxial" 造句
- 1. The longer the coaxial cable has to run , the weaker the signal .
- 同轴电缆越长,信号强度越弱。
- 2. 10base2 Uses a single coaxial cable to connect all workstations together in a " bus " configuration , and does not require a hub .
- 10base2使用一根同轴电缆将所有的工作站通过“总线”连接起来,不需要集线器。
- 3. However , babbage suspects that the caps are being put in place to deter consumers from finding alternatives to subscription-based television services fed via coaxial cable or fibre-optic connections .
- 但babbage猜测这个限量会限得恰到好处,不会让客户又重回通过同轴电缆或光纤去看订阅电视节目的时代。