How to Use "collagen" with Example Sentences
- 1. Caffeine might be helpful in reducing cellulite , which also involves weakened collagen .
- 咖啡因或许有助于减少橘皮组织,出现橘皮组织也与胶原蛋白减少有关。
- 2. When skin collagen is damaged , it leads to skin wrinkles and sagging .
- 当皮肤中的胶原被破坏,将会让皮肤松弛和下垂。
- 3. They also help the body break down collagen in skin production .
- 他们还有助于分解肌肤新陈代谢中产生的胶原质。
- 4. Fibrosis occurs when cells pump out excess collagen and other connective tissue proteins which harm organs .
- 当细胞排出过量的胶原蛋白和其他的结缔组织蛋白时,就会发生纤维化而损害器官。
- 5. Most remedies work by simply moisturizing , which stimulates the skin to make more collagen .
- 只需进行保湿即可完成大部分修复,它能刺激皮肤产生更多胶原蛋白。