如何使用 "colorless" 造句

1. In 1847 the scottish physician sir james young simpson first used the sweet-smelling colorless non-flammable liquid as an anesthetic .
2. Ven as muscovites choked under a blanket of thick smoke in the first week of august 2010 , concentrations of a colorless , odorless gas spiked to dangerous levels .
3. A pleasant-smelling , colorless and highly flammable liquid , ether can be vaporized into a gas that numbs pain but leaves patients conscious .
4. Bret allen langford , 39 , allegedly asked the owner of a jewelry store to show him a carat colorless diamond in april 2005 .
5. For example , if we want less odorless , colorless carbon dioxide billowing into the air from coal-fired power plants and vehicle tailpipes , then a tax should cause people to cut down on this undesirable activity .
