如何使用 "combatant" 造句

1. Mr funes is the fmln 's first presidential candidate who never served as an armed combatant .
2. Republicans were especially furious that the bomber was read his rights and not simply incarcerated as an enemy combatant .
3. The second was equally horrible , but in an entirely different ( and more terrifying ) way : to discover that you , as a combatant , had made some sort of grievous mistake , and as a result had put others at risk .
4. Under the geneva conventions , a combatant is deemed lawful and therefore entitled to prisoner-of-war status and protections if he is a member of either a regular government force or an organised militia , wearing a distinctive sign , carrying arms openly , and abiding by the rules of war .
5. That 's one reason amazon is in the best position to turn the tablet battle into a two combatant war .