如何使用 "compact" 造句
- 1. The trend makes point-and-shoot compact cameras less appealing .
- 这种趋势削弱了傻瓜式紧凑型相机的吸引力。
- 2. Ireland has called a referendum to ratify the fiscal compact .
- 爱尔兰已就批准财政协议问题举行了公投。
- 3. Surely it can cope with the esm and fiscal compact .
- 当然它也可以处理欧洲稳定机制和财政条约。
- 4. Bagehot thinks that compact is intact , if fragile .
- 白芝浩认为契约的约束力不够的话只能成为一纸空文。
- 5. A compact point-and-shoot would 've easily fit into a pocket .
- 如果是小巧的傻瓜相机,就能方便地装进口袋里。