How to Use "consol" with Example Sentences
- 1. Consol 's mix means that if coal comes under regulatory pressure in the u.s. , demand for its other product , gas , should rise .
- consol的产品结构意味着,如果煤炭在美国受到监管方面的压力,其另一种产品天然气的需求将会上升。
- 2. Consol , meanwhile , produces not just coal , but also gas , which accounts for roughly a fifth of earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortization .
- 与此同时,consol不只生产煤炭,同时还生产天然气,后者占其利息、税项、折旧、摊销前收益的五分之一左右。
- 3. This paper briefly describes the functions and network configuration of model dsc-316applied color tv system . Model sk-316master control consol , model yk-316sub-controller and some of the circuits used in the system are also briefly described .
- 本文概要叙述了dsc-316型彩色应用电视系统的功能及组网情况,并对系统中的sk-316型主控台、yk-316型分控器及部分电路作了简要介绍。
- 4. The relationship marketing is a series of activities of recognizing , forming , maintaining and consol idating the relationships among enterprises , customers and other parts beneficially concerned .
- 关系营销是识别、建立、维护和巩固企业与顾客及其他利益相关人的关系的活动。