如何使用 "contested" 造句
- 1. Bettencourt 's money was contested long before sarkozy entered the picture .
- 贝当古的财产早在萨科齐涉案前就具有争议性。
- 2. Even with more goodwill , this exercise would be contested .
- 就算有更多善意,这场争夺也会很激烈。
- 3. Inevitably the comparisons can be contested .
- 当然这种比较是具有竞争性的。
- 4. But the vision is contested .
- 但这种想法颇具争议。
- 5. At the root of the region 's tensions are contested versions of history .
- 植根于该地区紧张关系深处的是充满争议的历史观。