如何使用 "coulomb" 造句
- 1. Coulomb technologies is planning a " chargepoint network " around the country that would feed evs and automatically bill their owners .
- 库仑科技正在计划建设一个遍布全美的“充点网络”来满足电动汽车的需要并且可以自动给车主发送账单。
- 2. The volt was officially established in 1881 as an electrical potential of 1 joule per coulomb of charge , or the electromotive force that will cause a current of 1 ampere to flow through a resistance of 1 ohm .
- 伏特的概念于1881年正式建立,定义为1焦耳/库仑,或是让1安培的电流流过电阻1欧姆时所需的电动势。
- 3. I hoped that perhaps the coulomb force between the electrons might lead to some relationship between all the electrons in the negative energy states which would lead to a difference in mass , though I could not see how it could come about .
- 我期冀着也许电子间的库仑力也许会引发出负能态上所有电子间的某种联系,而这种联系导致了质量上的差异,虽然我并不能看出为什么会发生这个。