如何使用 "craic" 造句
- 1. " It 's a bit of craic , " she laughed .
- 她笑着说“这里一幅欢乐景象”
- 2. Coffee houses are packed and the craic is good : the age of wits such as steele and addison is dawning .
- 咖啡馆门庭若市,而里面人们侃的内容也相当不错:那个由斯蒂尔和艾迪森为代表的机智时代正要开始。
- 3. On my budget of a few pounds sterling per week I lived like a king , enjoying the city 's fantastic thermal baths ( a national health system perk ) and drinking fine tokai wine . The craic got going early .
- 我靠着每周区区几个英磅的生活费用,一边享受城市里美妙的温泉浴(一种国家医疗体系的福利),一边啜着精美的托卡伊酒,活的就像个国王。