How to Use "crestfallen" with Example Sentences
- 1. Cain greatly resents this and is crestfallen .
- 该隐对此感到十分愤怒和沮丧。
- 2. As liu was wheeled out of olympic stadium , he looked visibly crestfallen .
- 轮椅上的刘翔被缓缓推出奥运体育馆,神情沮丧。
- 3. Vidal politely doffed his cap and opened the door for his crestfallen mother .
- 维达礼貌地脱下帽子,并为垂头丧气的母亲开了门。
- 4. Parvati set off for divination five minutes later looking slightly crestfallen .
- 帕瓦蒂用了五分钟来决定选占卜课,看起来有点沮丧。
- 5. Over the channel in paris , the french , who for so long had been favourite to win the games , were left crestfallen .
- 而在巴黎的频道里面,法国,那个一直被看好赢得竞争的国度,沮丧地离开了。