如何使用 "crustacean" 造句
- 1. 1 / 8 Like an ancient gold treasure , this tiny copepod crustacean was brought up from the atlantic abyss earlier this year
- 1/8就像一个古老的黄金宝藏,这个小小的桡足甲壳动物今年早些时候从大西洋海底深处采集到的。
- 2. See also : creepy crustacean hauled from ocean depths
- 看图:在海底深处捕获的令人毛骨悚然的甲壳类动物
- 3. What ammonites-or , at least , some of them-ate became clear earlier this year when an x-ray showed a small crustacean in the jaws of a species called baculites .
- 古鹦鹉螺(或者至少其中一部分)以什么为食在今年早些时候终于搞清楚了,x光显示了一个被称为baculites物种的下颌,证明是小甲壳类动物。
- 4. The boiled crustacean was placed on a platter on top of a ruffled cloth , with a peeled lemon and a twinkling glass nearby .
- 这只煮熟的甲壳动物置于褶饰餐巾之上的盘中,削了皮的柠檬和晶莹透亮的玻璃杯就在近旁。
- 5. The prawns as they are known in derogatory slang because of their vaguely crustacean appearance spend their hopeless days brawling and getting high on pet food .
- 这些“对虾”们--由于他们类似甲壳动物的长相而被如此贬称--在绝望中打发日子,天天打打闹闹,靠着宠物食品偶尔兴奋一下。