如何使用 "deference" 造句
- 1. They 're safely ensconced in a bubble of deference and flattery .
- 他们安安全全地隐藏在顺从和奉承的泡沫里。
- 2. On july 3rd thais voted , yet again , against deference and hierarchy .
- 而在7月3日那天,泰国人民投票,再次反对顺从政策和阶级制度。
- 3. In practice , each public school is an independent kingdom that pays nominal deference to education authorities .
- 事实上,每一所公办中学都是一个独立的王国,名义上顺从教育当局。
- 4. The explosion of digital news outlets has accelerated the ( welcome ) passing of the age of deference .
- 数字新闻媒体的爆炸性增长加快了“顺从时代”逝去的步伐,这一点值得欢迎。
- 5. And at a certain point , when very large majorities disagree with you , a bit of deference is in order .
- 在某些特殊情况下,如果绝大多数人都和你意见不一致,你就得顺从一下了。