如何使用 "disproportionate" 造句
- 1. They receive a disproportionate number of citations .
- 他们的被引用次数高得不成比例。
- 2. Many of the key swing states in the presidential race are suffering disproportionate economic pain .
- 许多在总统竞选中摇摆不定的关键州正遭受着不成比例的经济痛苦。
- 3. They also risk skewing healthcare priorities and consuming disproportionate resources relative to the benefits and alternatives .
- 它们还可能扭曲医疗方面需要优先解决的事项,令所获益处与替代方案消耗的资源不成比例。
- 4. The bank of england notes that natural-resource companies account for a disproportionate share of the cash build-up .
- 英国央行(thebankofengland)观察到,自然资源公司在现金的堆积中不成比例地占有了很大一部分。
- 5. One reason why wall street accounts for a disproportionate share of the wealthy is the implicit subsidy given to too-big-to-fail banks .
- 为什么华尔街占有的财富同其他部门不成比例,其中的一个原因是政府给那些大到不能倒的银行提供了隐性补贴。