如何使用 "dud" 造句

1. Cheap central-bank money has doubtless kept some dud banks and their customers afloat .
2. Rather than sticking to pluralism , mr cameron wasted time and political capital on the dud theme of the " big society " and naive waffle about voluntarism .
3. It will purchase dud assets at above-market prices . It does serve to recapitalize banks , but it rewards the worst offenders and does nothing to restore trust .
4. The balance sheets of borrowers and creditors will remain encumbered by dud assets and liabilities , slowing the resumption of credit expansion and risking stagnation of the process of intermediation between saving and investment .
5. The government 's plans to set up an asset-management company , or " bad bank " , to take over the rest of the sector 's bad debts are unclear . In particular no one knows who exactly is going to have to fork out to buy the dud loans .