如何使用 "electrician" 造句
- 1. Asks gerd matziwitzki , an unemployed electrician .
- 一位失业的电工gerdmatziwitzki反问道。
- 2. Where would we be without the landscaper , the pool guy , and the local electrician ?
- 想想一下没有园丁、水池清理工、电工会是怎样的吧。
- 3. Her husband , an electrician , is out of work .
- 她的丈夫,原本是一名电气技师,现在也失业了。
- 4. To see an electrician actually trying to fix the chaotic wires in katmandou , nepal , click here .
- 要观看一个电工真实地尝试修理这一坨混乱的电缆的场景在加德满都尼泊尔点这里.
- 5. Phillip lawrence , a maine electrician who has been out of work for 15 months , has had his final extension , and is running out of options .
- 已失业15个月之久的缅因州电工劳伦斯(philliplawrence)已处于最后一次延长期内,将面临没有选择的境地。