How to Use "emotional" with Example Sentences
- 1. But the emotional indian reaction is also understandable .
- 但印度人情绪化的反应也可以理解。
- 2. Should companies pry into people 's emotional lives ?
- 公司应该窥探人们的感情生活吗?
- 3. The emotional brain has a huge impact on our decisions .
- 感性的大脑对我们的决策有巨大的影响。
- 4. Our dreams combine verbal , visual and emotional stimuli into a sometimes broken , nonsensical but often entertaining story line .
- 由于刺激会将我们的梦里的语言,视觉的和感情的融合体变得支离破碎,没有什么意义但又常常成为娱乐的话题。
- 5. They 're irrational , emotional and intense .
- 她们易怒、情绪化、好紧张。