如何使用 "endogamy" 造句
- 1. From this primitive indifference they may have advanced , some to endogamy , some to exogamy .
- 从这种原始的漠不关心中,它们可能取得了发展,有的走向内婚制,有的走向外婚制。
- 2. It may be noted , however , that endogamy appears in populations formed by the fusion of many tribes , as the almost uniform characteristic of the dominant race .
- 无论如何可以看到,内婚制出现在由许多部落融合形成的人口中,几乎是统治种族的一致特征。
- 3. Tablecloth price acceptable wilder provided shipment endogamy pls reply by cable .
- 台布价格可接受将订货条件是5月底装运请电复。
- 4. Hereafter we shall see how a tribe organized on the principle of endogamy might be developed from one organized on the principle of exogamy , in perfect consistency with the law against the intermarriage of relations .
- 后面我们将看到一个在内婚制原则上组织起来的部落如何从由外婚制原则组织的部落发展而来,与反对亲属的族外婚完全一致。
- 5. Caste identity has been sustained and reproduced by caste endogamy , and so are the caste hierarchical values . That 's why caste is not the same as ethnicity , though the latter might hint the direction that the former will evolve .
- 种姓内婚制不仅再生产种姓身份,也是种姓等级价值的隐居之处,这使种姓还不能等同于族群,尽管后者可能是它的方向。