如何使用 "evangelical" 造句
- 1. Evangelical protestants liked almost everyone else more than they were liked in return .
- 福音派新教徒喜欢几乎所有人而甚于其他人喜欢他们。
- 2. He is evangelical , anti-abortion and pro-gun , but manages to be all those things without appearing as abrasive as mrs palin .
- 他是一位新教徒,反对堕胎并且支持持有枪支,与此同时他也尽量使自己不要表现的如佩林一样优柔寡断。
- 3. White evangelical protestants have the highest denial rate ( 55 percent ) , closely followed by the group across all religions who attend services on average at least once a week ( 49 percent ) .
- 白人福音派新教徒拒绝度最高(55%),紧接着是各种宗教和教派的平均每周至少参加一次活动的积极参与者(49%)。
- 4. John green , an expert in religion and politics at the university of akron in ohio , recently published a survey that found mr obama 's share of the vote among white evangelical protestants was virtually unchanged from that of john kerry 's in 2004 .
- 俄亥俄州亚克朗大学一位宗教和政治专家,约翰格林最近出白的研究报告表明,奥巴马在白人福音派新教徒处得到的选票与04年约翰克里获得选票几乎一样。
- 5. The 48-year-old evangelical christian is a possible republican presidential candidate in 2012 .
- 现年48岁的福音派教徒可能作为共和党总统候选人参加2012年大选。