如何使用 "evenly" 造句
- 1. Evenly apply all over the face , leaving room around the eyes and mouth .
- 均匀地将面膜涂抹在面部,避开眼睛和唇部。
- 2. He has changed education funding so that it is more evenly distributed .
- 教育方面,他出台措施,使教育基金的分布更为均衡。
- 3. The fruits of china 's growth have also not been evenly shared .
- 此外,中国人并未平等地分享到经济增长的成果。
- 4. The earth is a big thing ; if you divided it up evenly among its 7 billion inhabitants , they would get almost 1 trillion tonnes each .
- 地球是个大家伙,如果你把它均分给它的70亿居民,每位居民获得的那部分将重达一万亿顿。
- 5. China , along with , say , the eu or russia , could grow so strong that we go back to a multipolar world in which power is more evenly distributed across several nations .
- 中国和其它国家,例如欧盟或俄罗斯,可能强大到使我们回到一个多极的世界,较为均衡地在几个国家之间分享权力。