如何使用 "expenditure" 造句
- 1. Capital expenditure is a hindrance rather than a help .
- 资本支出只会碍事,不会带来帮助。
- 2. Education and childcare remains the biggest expenditure for parents .
- 教育和儿童保育仍旧是父母最大的开支项目。
- 3. The huge political expenditure has fuelled a toxic atmosphere in mild-mannered wisconsin .
- 巨额政治花费为温和的威斯康星州带来了不良氛围。
- 4. The previous labour government pledged to cover half of the capital expenditure .
- 上届的工党政府承诺会承担一半的基本建设费用。
- 5. A similar tale can be told of families postponing expenditure and precipitating unemployment .
- 与此相类似的是,因家庭延迟消费而导致失业。