如何使用 "extrajudicial" 造句
- 1. Extrajudicial , summary or arbitrary executions .
- 法外处决,即审即决或任意处决。
- 2. It also has criticized abuses in the caucasus , including extrajudicial killings , kidnappings and torture .
- 它还曾批评高加索地区侵犯人权的情况,包括法外杀人、绑架和虐待行为。
- 3. The report also criticised the use of coerced confessions from prisoners , extrajudicial killings , torture and forced labour camps .
- 该报告还批评中国对犯人逼供、非法杀害、拷打和劳改。
- 4. Extrajudicial imprisonment is a cancer .
- 法外处决,监禁是一种癌症。
- 5. Khalifa claims the passing of the anti-terror bill has allowed the police , whom he says have a long history of committing extrajudicial killings , to act with impunity .
- 哈利法塔称反恐法案的通过允许警察,他称有一个悠久的历史承诺可以采取法外处决,而不受惩罚。