如何使用 "feline" 造句
- 1. Feline coat patterns fall into two categories : stripes and spots .
- 猫科动物皮毛特征分为两大类:条纹特征与斑点特征。
- 2. This feline wastrapped by a hunter high in the wakhan mountains of afghanistan .
- 一位猎人在阿富汗瓦汉山顶捕获这只猫科动物。
- 3. But to know for sure she needed details , especially the faint claw mark beyond the toe pad that distinguishes canid from feline .
- 但要确认的话她还需要一些细节,尤其是那个模糊的,却能够区分开犬科和猫科动物的脚趾印。
- 4. Like plasmodium , which cycles between mosquitoes and man , toxoplasma cycles between its rodent and feline hosts , living out different phases of its existence in each .
- 与疟原虫在蚊子和人类之间循环传播类似,弓形虫的循环在它的寄主啮齿动物和猫科动物之间进行,它在不同的寄主身上以不同状态存在。
- 5. Meow arrived at the shelter weighing in at over 39 pounds , after his elderly owner could no longer care for the feline .
- meow刚来到收容所时重量超过39磅,他的老主人无法再照顾这只猫科动物。