如何使用 "ficus" 造句
- 1. You know , a ficus here , an orchid there .
- 你瞧,这里放盆榕树,那里放棵兰科。
- 2. Don 't forget that ficus there by rachel .
- 别忘了瑞秋旁边那一盆。
- 3. Ficus plants come in two sexes : female plants and hermaphrodite plants .
- 榕属植物进来两性:女性与两性厂厂.
- 4. Most ficus trees have protective white sap to scare away insects .
- 很多榕树都有保护的白色汁液,把喜食树液的昆虫吓怕了。
- 5. L have a ficus at home that 's been shedding its leaves .
- 我家里有一株盆栽一直掉叶子。