如何使用 "fiefdom" 造句
- 1. Gordon brown saw scotland as a personal fiefdom .
- 戈登布朗(gordonbrown)视苏格兰为个人封地。
- 2. Investment professionals jostled with regime placemen , epitomising a broader national struggle between competent professionals and servants of the gaddafi family fiefdom .
- 专业投资人士与政府官员在这里明争暗斗,使之成为利比亚国内有能力的专业人士与卡扎菲家族走狗更大规模斗争的缩影。
- 3. Finally inside the hallowed walls of his fiefdom , I fixed on something resembling a happy smile and sat a little while longer as far more important matters received his attention .
- 最后,在他空空荡荡的办公室里,我强装笑脸又坐了一小会儿,直到有更重要的公事需要他去办。
- 4. At the same time , he has made chechnya into a lawless personal fiefdom .
- 但同时,他也让车臣变成入了其毫无法治可言的个人封地。
- 5. He is also criticised for turning the community into a family fiefdom , in which workers get no holidays and his relatives get the best posts .
- 他也受到了批评,说他将这个村庄变了一个自家的封地,在这里工作的工人没有假期而他的亲戚却得到了最好的岗位。