How to Use "fleeting" with Example Sentences
- 1. The resulting feelings of euphoria are often only fleeting .
- 由此产生的愉悦感觉往往只有短暂的。
- 2. But the fleeting ego gratification harper derived from his conquests came at a steep price .
- 哈珀从性征服中获得的这种短暂的自我满足是要付出巨大代价的。
- 3. The diversion was fleeting , for they succumbed almost immediately to the waning of oxygen .
- 这个大迁移是短暂的,因为它们几乎是立即就死于氧气的逐渐减少了。
- 4. A fleeting early morning ground fog deliver some rare humidity to the air above the desert .
- 一个短暂的清晨,低雾给沙漠上空的空气带来一些罕见的湿气。
- 5. Yet the shift to automated warfare may offer only a fleeting strategic advantage to the united states .
- 然而,向自动化战争的转型给美国所带来战略优势可能只是短暂的。