How to Use "foolishness" with Example Sentences
- 1. It is fashionable foolishness that ignores some brute realities .
- 这种无视一些残酷事实的想法很普遍、很愚蠢。
- 2. This time the foolishness preceded the summit .
- 这一次,类似的愚蠢行为发生在峰会之前。
- 3. As far as the foolishness of placing complex monetary policy decisions in the hands of politicians I couldn 't agree more .
- 至于将复杂的货币政策决定权置于政客们手里是非常愚蠢的观点,我完全同意。
- 4. It involved foolishness and loss but it did not invalidate the internet any more than this upheaval invalidates credit derivatives .
- 互联网泡沫中有愚蠢和损失,但它对互联网的破坏程度怎么都比不上此次剧变对信用衍生品的破坏。
- 5. For all their petty foolishness , the republicans are bringing issues like tax reform and entitlements into the national debate .
- 尽管共和党们出现了小小的愚蠢的行为,他们仍然将一些诸如税收改革和养老金等问题带入了全国性讨论的范围。