How to Use "forego" with Example Sentences
- 1. He meant that it should forego quick gains for enduring profits .
- 利维的意思是应该为了长期利润而放弃短期好处。
- 2. The willingness of many jobless americans to forego unemployment checks isn 't new .
- 这种失业者放弃失业救济支票的意愿并不是新出现的。
- 3. Just don 't be surprised if they decide to forego the office altogether .
- 假如你的员工们决定彻底放弃办公室,千万不要大惊小怪。
- 4. You may have to forego a vacation or work 12-hour days to complete an important project .
- 你或许不得不放弃假期或每天工作12小时去完成一个重要的项目。
- 5. Buildings close at a reasonable hour , obliging salarymen to forego hours of masochistic overtime .
- 写字楼在正常时间关闭,迫使工薪阶层放弃数小时的自虐式加班。