如何使用 "frowsty" 造句
- 1. Furious whentheheartbeatisaccelerated , the unusual displaywithoccurrence palpitate , frowsty bosom , cause angina pectoris or myocardial infarction even .
- 生气时心跳加快,出现心慌,胸闷的异常表现,甚至诱发心绞痛或心肌梗塞.
- 2. This just suits a heart faint , palpitant high speed , the bosom is frowsty , inappetence , the effect after using is magical .
- 此方适合心脏无力,心跳高速,胸闷,食欲不振,用后功效神奇。
- 3. Work yesterday , full car gongnanlunv tiredly . Fall in seat , dazed , drive a record diabolical level frowsty smelly smoked woke up .
- 昨天下班时,满车红男绿女疲惫地倒在座位里,昏昏然中,被一记毒辣级闷臭熏醒了。
- 4. This not only can make ripe age of the mankind shifts to an earlier date , still can make person physiology rhythm maladjusted , appear then palpitation , bosom frowsty , spirit is dispirited wait for a phenomenon .
- 这不但会使人类的成熟年龄提前,还会使人生理节奏失调,进而出现心悸、胸闷、精神萎靡等现象。
- 5. Group of xin deli task undertook those who be as long as a year observe in group to 42 cardiovascular disease patient , the patient that as a result discovery attends gem gal fitness 90 minutes everyday has the appearance of pectoral frowsty be discouraged again rarely .
- 新德里课题组对42位心血管疾病患者进行了长达一年的分组观察,结果发现每天参加90分钟瑜伽健身的患者很少再有胸闷气短的现象。