How to Use "fuse" with Example Sentences
- 1. Its fuse has been merrily fizzing for nine long years .
- 这条导火索已“”燃烧了9年之久。
- 2. Stars like our sun fuse hydrogen in their cores into helium .
- 太阳一类的恒星在其核心将氢融合成氦。
- 3. Downward mobility is an ever-shortening fuse leading to profound consequences .
- 向下流动是一根不断缩短的导火线,将产生深远的影响。
- 4. That could shed light on what happens when the wiring gets connected wrongly and , as it were , blows a neurological fuse .
- 那就可以清楚地说明当这些连接错误的时候会发生什么,就像如果接错,烧断一根神经保险丝。
- 5. The bomb has a very long fuse , however .
- 不过这枚核弹的引信很长。