如何使用 "gaydar" 造句
- 1. Should you trust your gaydar in everyday life ?
- 在日常生活中,你会相信你的同志探测器?
- 2. In our experiments , average gaydar judgment accuracy was only in the 60 percent range .
- 在我们的实验中,同志探测器的判断准确率只在60%范围内。
- 3. Though gaydar may not be driven by homophobia , it is relevant to discrimination policy .
- 虽然同志探测器不会让人对同性恋产生憎恨情绪,但它却确实和歧视有一定关系。
- 4. An mit experiment dubbed , " gaydar " by creators carter jernigan and behram mistree has employed computational analysis to identify user traits based on information listed by their facebook friends .
- mit一个叫做“同志感应(gaydar)”软件(由carterjernigan和behrammistree创建)根据用户facebook好友的信息,采用计算分析来识别用户特征。
- 5. Our research , published recently in the peer-reviewed journal plos one , shows that gaydar is indeed real and that its accuracy is driven by sensitivity to individual facial features as well as the spatial relationships among facial features .
- 最近,我们在plosone期刊上发表了最新的研究成果,结论是“同志探测器”的确是可行的,其精确度和两个因素相关,一是对面部特征的敏感程度,二是面部器官之间的空间关系。