如何使用 "genus" 造句
- 1. Are the so-called hobbits really members of our genus homo ?
- 所谓的霍比特人真是人属中的一员吗?
- 2. Artiodactyla camelidae non-humped camel ( alpaca ) 1 species of the genus .
- 偶蹄目骆驼科无峰驼(羊驼)属的1种。
- 3. As for the claws , there 's another genus of spiders with similar appendages , the spelungula of new zealand .
- 至于脚爪,另一种蜘蛛也拥有这种相似的工具,叫做新西兰spelungula蜘蛛。
- 4. Stegoceras was a member of the leaf-eating genus pachycephalosauria that roamed the earth around 70 million years ago .
- 剑角龙是属于肿头龙类食叶属之一这种物种生存于7千万年前的地球.
- 5. It recently rejected an application to protect the name d. melanogaster , which had been made in advance of a proposed revision of the genus .
- 这个委员会近期拒绝了一份申请来保护d.melanogaster这个原先的命名,这份申请是在果蝇属类修正案之前提出的。