如何使用 "hulking" 造句
- 1. In the middle of a scrubby business park on the outskirts of dublin , a hulking grey building has recently sprung up .
- 在都柏林郊外一片灌木丛生的商业园区中央,一座庞大的灰色建筑最近拔地而起。
- 2. Last year , I traveled around parts of afghanistan 's helmand province on marine corps mtvrs ; the hulking trucks proved surprisingly capable of off-road driving .
- 去年,我曾在阿富汗赫尔曼德省几个地方见到过海军陆战队的这种中型战术车辆;事实证明这种笨重的卡车出人意料地适合越野行驶。
- 3. But a few hundred feet behind the sales hall some of the " almost completed " buildings look like neglected , hulking shells .
- 但售楼大厅后几百米处“几乎完工”的楼看起来只是被人遗忘的庞大外壳。
- 4. The building - a hulking mass of granite whose black silhouette is visible for miles amid the yellow midwestern plains - is an unlikely command centre for an entrepreneur who has striven to stay out of the spotlight for four decades .
- 作为一位40年来一直努力避开公众注意的企业家,他的总部大楼似乎不太符合这个形象在美国中西部黄色的平原上,这座大理石建筑的庞大黑色轮廓从几英里外就能看到。
- 5. I hunched over the teletype in the terminal room , a hulking console that shook each time its typewriter head whammed leftward to begin a new line .
- 我在终端机房中俯身敲击一台电传打字机,每打完一行,那笨重的机头就会摇头晃脑猛然撞回最左边,开始新的一行。