如何使用 "hundredfold" 造句

1. It says money ploughed into protecting wetlands , coral reefs and forests can bring a hundredfold return on capital .
2. The eminent writers duly propose a huge ( nay , hundredfold ) boost in funding to help the poor cope with a shifting climate-through drought-resistant crops , for example .
3. Rescuing e people 's life is the top priority of this time of anti-quake struggle and relief work . We must make the best use of time , so long as having a faint flash of surviving opportunity ; we will strive with hundredfold effort .
4. Every dollar given to the oral roberts evangelistic association - " or $ 30 , amex , visa , whatever the lord leads you to do " - would eventually return to the giver multiplied as much as a hundredfold .