如何使用 "hysteresis" 造句

1. Silica is better because it lowers hysteresis loss without reducing a tyre 's grip .
2. Hysteresis loss , as this is known , can be reduced by mixing a tyre 's rubber with powdered material that has strong chemical bonds in it .
3. You don 't need to be a supply sider to believe that potential has fallen ; you could equally worry that actual output has been depressed for so long , that hysteresis has set in and dragged potential down with it .
4. Pirelli 's engineers realised that these defensive weapons are the ideal size to add to tyres in order to control hysteresis loss , and that a ready supply of them is available in the husks left over from the milling of rice .
5. A process called hysteresis causes some of the heat energy to be lost , but this new alloy has a low hysteresis , the researchers say .