如何使用 "industrialism" 造句

1. Industrialism redeemed , technology triumphant : this is the familiar scenario of technophiliac utopianism .
2. The dynamic of industrialism changed both the geography of chinese trade and its consequences .
3. For the reversionaries , who trace back to john ruskin , william morris , prince kropotkin , and the romantic artists generally , industrialism is the extreme state of a cultural disease that must be cured before it kills us .
4. Growing up in post-depression america , they abandoned new york city and moved to the heartland , working for years as welders and union stewards at aluminum foundries and mills , experiencing all the hardship of industrialism at its peak .
5. Coal consumption in manchester was measured in millions of tonnes , and its smoke became , as lewis mumford remarked , " the very incense of the new industrialism " .