如何使用 "invariant" 造句

1. He found that these neural avalanches are scale invariant and that their size obeys a power law .
2. The avalanches are " scale invariant " , which means that avalanches of all possible sizes occur .
3. But once ' humanity ' becomes a variant set of populations rather than an invariant essence , it loses its obviousness as a standard of value .
4. In studies with germ-free mice , described in a science paper published earlier this year , blumberg and his colleagues found the absence of intestinal microbes triggers production of a signaling molecule called cxcl16 , which in turn stimulates high levels of immune cells called invariant natural killer t cells .
5. To gauge this significance , gurzadyan compared the observed circles with a simulation of the cosmic microwave background in which temperature fluctuations were completely scale invariant , meaning that their abundance was independent of their size .