如何使用 "kafir" 造句

1. A dardic language spoken by the kafir people in ne afghanistan .
2. Because I 'd be a lonely girl in a kafir [ infidel ] city .
3. Some of the reports make it clear that on the day of the liberation of makkah , the prophet said : " no believer can be killed in return for a kafir . "
4. The kafir who weaves fabric according to a specific order which only appears when one unravels it , the persian who ties his carpets , the slovak farmer 's wife who embroiders her lace , the old lady who makes beautiful things with glass , beads and silk ; all these he understands very well .
5. Afghans , who welcomed this kafir intervention in 2001 with outstretched arms , tell stories of american and british soldiers barging into cloistered pushtun women 's quarters , at night , with unclean dogs .