How to Use "locker" with Example Sentences
- 1. All their clothes are in the storage locker .
- 她们的衣服全放在储物柜里面。
- 2. I hung posters in my locker , and finally felt like I was at home .
- 我将几张海报帖在储物柜里,终于感觉就像在家里一样。
- 3. Amazon 's cloud drive is as straightforward as a cloud service gets : it 's just an online storage locker .
- 亚马逊的clouddrive是一个相当直截了当的云服务:它只是一个在线储物柜而已。
- 4. In his will , dad also left me the contents of his storage locker back in connecticut , full of his clothes from college .
- 父亲在遗嘱里还将在康涅狄格州的储物柜里的东西留给了我,里面装满了大学时期衣物。
- 5. For instance , people moving house could simply update their address in their data locker , and then let their bank , utilities and other service providers retrieve it .
- 比如,搬过家的人可以直接在资料储物柜里更新自己的地址,那么,为他们服务的银行、公用事业和其他服务供应商就能检索到新地址了。