如何使用 "lodge" 造句

1. The us has not signed the un convention , making it impossible for it to even lodge a claim .
2. If a culprit persisted with its " manipulation " , the treasury would have to lodge a formal complaint at the world trade organisation .
3. Feats such as these are rewarded back at the lodge with steaming cups of cocoa as we listen to a guide give fascinating talks on the local history and geography in the lecture room .
4. French authorities have since returned the data to switzerland and have agreed not to use the information to lodge an official request with swiss authorities to secure further information that would help pursue french tax dodgers .
5. Another common trick was for a business line to keep quiet about a proposal on which it had been working for weeks until a couple of hours before the meeting to approve it , so the risk team had no time to lodge convincing objections .