How to Use "lottery" with Example Sentences
- 1. Roughly three-quarters of them participate in the christmas lottery .
- 大约有四分之三的赌金是投入在圣诞彩票中。
- 2. And how will life change when lionel wins nearly 140m from the lottery ?
- 当lionel从乐透上几乎赢了140m英镑后,他的生活会有什么变化?
- 3. Two immigration lawyers introduce the world to spam , advertising their green card lottery services .
- 两名移民事务律师第一次将垃圾邮件带到了世界,为他们的绿卡抽签服务做广告。
- 4. If that 's not ruthless enough , it soon becomes clear that candidates are required to have won the genetic lottery .
- 如果这还不算残酷,很快我们就明白求职者需要有得到遗传优胜的运气。
- 5. Since 1964 when new hampshire introduced the first modern state lottery governments have come to rely on gaming revenue .
- 自从1964年新罕布什尔州引入了第一个现代州立乐透以来,政府已经开始依赖于博彩的收入。