如何使用 "lynx" 造句
- 1. A lynx sits on a snow-covered rock .
- 一只猞猁坐在冰雪覆盖的岩石上。
- 2. Cons : predators include brown bears , wolves , lynx and weasels .
- 提醒:掠食者包括棕熊、狼、猞猁和鼬。
- 3. Image : the iberian lynx ( lynx pardinus ) , one of the critically endangered species found in the mediterranean region .
- 图片:西班牙猞猁(lynxpardinus),地中海地区的一种极度濒危动物。
- 4. We learnt that the kavir is home to the last big cats in iran : the asiatic cheetah , the eurasian lynx and the persian leopard .
- 我们得知盐土沙漠是伊朗大型猫科动物的最后栖身地,如亚洲猎豹,欧亚猞猁和波斯豹等。
- 5. Lest anyone think the european commission short-sighted , it has also made allowance for damage which may be caused by lynx and bears , if these beasts are also released into the wild in future .
- 欧洲委员会为了不让别人说它目光短浅,还对猞猁、熊造成的破坏提供补贴,考虑到这些野兽今后也被放归野生。